Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mr. Biggster didn't disappoint

So Jackson had his 2 month appointment and guess what.....yep, he's still enormous! 95 percentile for his weight and height. He's really good though. Also we have started the self soothing process and it has been going very well! He has slept through the night for 2 nights in a row now. Hopefully tonight will make number three. The girls are loving it though. During this process, they have been sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed. They think it is soooo cooool. Anyway, that's it for now. Thank you all for all your continued prayer.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sir Smiles-a-lot

So Mr. Jackson Lee decided one day to have a heart to heart with his mother. 7 weeks and already trying to gab...he really is his father's son. Take a look.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jackson brings in the high numbers again....

So yesterday Jackson had his one month check up appointment. Dr. Suzuki said he was doing great and even weighs enough for us to start the self-soothing process....Yeah! She said that he has more then enough fat to allow him to go longer in between feedings. Although we were glad to hear that, it did bring up the question then, how much does he weigh?

Any guesses? I guessed 11lbs. 2 oz.........yeah, I was wrong! Mr. Jackson Lee Casteel is currently weighing in at 12lbs. 7 oz. Just for the record, that puts him in the 97% percentile! That's right only 3% of American children are bigger then our son at his age. Can we say hockey player anyone (-:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Has it been a month?

So I was in church today when one of the ladies asked how old our not so little one was. I opened my mouth to say the amount of weeks when I realized, oh my goodness, it has been a month! That's right, Jackson Lee is now a month old. It has been an interesting one so far. He's a little colic which has been a good test of our patience. So far we've passed (-: He doesn't really care for anything like a swing or bouncer. He only wants one be held! He is very needy. I must say, it is nice as a mom to have a son who wants nothing more then my attention and love but at 3:00 in the morning, even mommy needs sleep. He has his one month appointment tomorrow and we can't wait to see what our little chub is going to weigh in at. Also his Auntie Vee got to see him today which meant a lot to us all! Well that's it for now!

The girls wanted me to tell Lela and Pops that they miss them and can't wait for them to come home. Also they wanted me to tell their one and only cousin Dena "hi" and and they love her!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mr. 11 pounder!!!

Well my "little" man is now weighing in at about 11 pounds! He is a tank and still the sweetest thing ever. Although I know he will always be Mommy's boy, he has quite a bond with Ben already. It is so cute to see the two together as Jackson is so excited when Ben comes home and is so comforted by his Daddy. Not only do the two have such a close bond but they also still look so much alike it is really freaky! The older he gets the more he looks like him. He still has all his hair but we'll see if he keeps it or not.

It has been quite the challenge though having all three. I now know why they say that 3 is a crowd (-: I really don't get time to do much of anything let alone sleep. I am only able to write this as Ben is home and the girls are finally asleep. I'm sure things will get better once we get into a routine....or until Ben and I can get some sleep at least. Until then, I'm drinking lots of coffee and am able to see all the new infomercials (-: That's it for now. Here's what our little cubbster looks like now.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Cinco De Mayo

Well as I am sure most of you know, our little man is finally here! He had his first doctor's visit today and wouldn't you know it, he actually gained weight! He is now 9lbs. 4 oz. He is in the 90% for his weight and the 95% for his height. Turns out our little man is not so little after all. He is doing so well that Dr. Suzuki told us that a second appointment is not necessary and we get to skip to the 1 month check up. That's our little Jackson Lee! He really is the best baby in the whole world though. He never crys and sleeps quite a bit at night. He is very lazy and extremely passive. He loves to be warm and must be touched and cuddled at all times (-: He is a love bug for sure which mommy loves to pieces. As for daddy, he will not put him down and is more then excited to have his son here. We are all so happy! And now the good! Enjoy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mmmmmm Castrol Oil

So we had an appointment yesterday with a different doctor as McFadden is on vacation. I have to say that this doctor was a nut! At one point in time Ben and I looked at each other when she stepped out for a second in total disbelief that this women made it through medical school. She was very unwilling to discuss much of anything since she was not my normal doctor making this appointment completely pointless. Oh well......she did however say that when we do get to see McFadden on Monday, she would recommend bringing our bags along with us. I hope that is a good sign.....

In the mean time, I have decided to just take matters into my own hands with a little self inducing. I started off with the good old castrol oil. Apart from loving the feeling of drinking vegetable oil, I don't think I will be repeating that act too many times. I then proceeded to munch down on some bran muffins and pineapple. This has all been done today I might add. Well given the fact that I am able to write this little blog should give you a good idea as to how that has all been working for me.........yeah, it hasn't been working at all! Oh well, worst case scenario our doctor has told us that she does not want us to go much further then Monday. No matter what, this will be my last weekend without my little man! That is something to look forward to!